
Hewlett Packard Enterprise selected Klever tools and services to assess their knowledge-centered support programs and help validate that ongoing investment would help HPE achieve beyond best-in-class service.

HP Enterprise wins President’s Quality Award from CEO Meg Whitman, in 2015 and cites Klever partnership for making this happen.

HP Enterprise wins prestigious TSIA Star Award for Best Practices in Knowledge Management in 2016, showing a bottom line savings of $58M.

About Our Client

Hewlett Packard Enterprise has firmly established its reputation as an industry leader for advanced knowledge sharing, achieved through the dedicated execution of a five-year strategic plan that began in 2012. They systematically trained everyone in Knowledge-Centered SupportTM, identified top customer issues, uncovered knowledge gaps, filled in missing content, and fostered a culture of knowledge sharing. Today, Hewlett Packard Enterprise epitomizes beyond-best-in-class service offering assisted multichannel support based upon the “fix it once, use it often” best practice, a comprehensive customer self-help portal supported by “just-in-time” content crafted from the customer’s point of view, and intelligent swarming to resolve complex issues. Through the customer community, they foster interaction and collaboration among customers, nurture the value creators, and harvest user-generated knowledge into the knowledge base.

Results at a Glance

  • Reduced publishing time from days to 32 minutes
  • Reduced foundation support case volume by 9.35% annually for 2 consecutive years
  • Demonstrated that 27% of foundation knowledge articles represent 80% of customer usage

Changing the Customer Self-Service Process and Culture

By 2014, the HPE CSC knowledge team observed that customers were unable to accurately and efficiently search for relevant content from the existing customer support portal, a critical goal in their journey. This posed a potential threat to realizing a next-generation customer self-solve service model. Several steps were taken to address this situation. The team

  • modified the knowledge structure to make the right content available at the right time,
  • created and encouraged a knowledge-centric culture for 5000+ technical engineers who began creating, adopting and reusing knowledge documents,
  • created a symptom-centric knowledge base, and
  • curated high quality knowledge documents that enabled customers to readily access relevant articles to self-solve their issues.

The team cracked the publishing process, achieving a publishing time beyond best-in-class for the high tech industry and demonstrating that 27% of the knowledge articles in the knowledge base represented 80% of customer usage. Yet, there was more to do.

The Challenge

In 2015 at a pivotal time in their journey, they could see that their end goal – beyond best-in-class next-generation service – was within grasp. While they believed that they had established the people, process, technology and culture to make that last push, they were uncertain if that perception prevailed across the enterprise and if they could maintain the momentum they needed to push over that final threshold.

The Solution – Klever Knowledge Sharing Capability Assessment

Hewlett Packard Enterprise leaders decided to get an objective, third party assessment of their capabilities, specifically to determine if their perceptions were accurate, validate that their efforts and investments were generating results, uncover hidden gaps and take corrective actions.

The Hewlett Packard Enterprise CSC team selected Klever – the organization with the tools, expertise, and proven results – to provide an objective, third-party assessment of their knowledge-sharing capabilities and perceptions. Paramount was to understand the depth of HPE’s knowledge culture and make sure that established practices, processes and tools were driving the right behaviors.

The Knowledge Sharing Capability Assessment was the right solution for the task. Klever conducted the assessment, a 14-question instrument that evaluated employee perceptions across four distinct areas: people/leadership, process, technology and culture. The online survey was conducted with more than 4500 employees across eleven worldwide locations during a two-week period. Klever reported the data across the four dimensions, analyzing the results by region, job role and product. The consultative report provided critical insights Hewlett Packard Enterprise needed to ensure that ongoing investments would provide the most value, have the greatest impact on future knowledge sharing outcomes, and sustain momentum in their journey.

Senior executives learned that they had a strong knowledge sharing and team culture across the organization. However, they hadn’t anticipated the strength of that culture and the processes they had in place. The employees were impressed with the depth of insight about the organization that Klever provided, along with actionable recommendations they could put into play to keep the momentum.

“We selected Klever because it is a professional organization that had the tools, expertise, and capability to assess our perceptions and confidently guide our next steps.”

– Ashimendu Bose, Director, CSC Infrastructure, Automation and Knowledge Management

The Results

The HPE team took swift action. They identified and eliminated waste in the processes, revisited operational measures to align cultural and behavioral measures, and introduced gamification and recognition programs to drive consistent knowledge sharing practices across the enterprise and improve engagement from outlying groups.

  • Business Impact: Increased the number of customer self-service solutions and redeployed resources into solution support. These combined business impacts helped achieve substantial cost avoidance and a reduction of 35% foundation case volume annually for 2 consecutive years.
  • Operational Efficiency: Re-engineered the publishing process to provide quicker availability to knowledge articles, and removed redundant, non-value add, and inadequate steps within the publishing process. Reduced publishing time from days to minutes.
  • Employee Impact: Introduced “Author Reputation Status” through knowledge champion points earned based on internal usage and positive ratings from customers and gave engineers star status for their knowledge contribution.
  • Customer Impact: Combined efforts kept the customer delight score at 97% and above, while maintaining Net Promoter Score (NPS) at 69%.

“As a result of our partnership with Klever, we were able to reduce the publishing time from days to 32 minutes and improve content health so that 27% of our articles covered 80% of usage.”

– Sandeep Kondaiah, Program Manager, Knowledge Management