Try our Accelerator for quick coaching, immediate results.​

Are you a fast-growing company looking to develop a new process?

Are you an established company looking to streamline what works?

Are you a shared services organization looking to help teams collaborate on end-to-end process optimization?

Are you a successful enterprise that needs to help hands-on managers think more strategically within established processes?

Immediate results, lasting impact.

Our Accelerator program combines coaching services with our online training solutions to provide fast standup, immediate results, and lasting process improvement.

Klever Insight is not a typical consulting firm.

In our experience, the C-suite spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on outside consultants to strategize around high-level goals.

But consultants suck up months of work hours, wipe out resources, and leave behind binders. Then those binders sit on shelves because managers don’t know how to adapt and change processes as the business evolves. We don’t preach and prognosticate. We listen, assess, strategize, then work with your team to put new, improved processes in place to achieve immediate results. And we do it fast.

How does an Accelerator work?

  • Bring us your pain point, such as starting or restarting a knowledge program, deciding what mesures to use, backlog, re-work, or employee time-to-competency.
  • If needed, we complete an assessment of the situation to pinpoint the cause. (Assessments require just 5 minutes of employee time.)
  • We set a goal for the 90-day time frame.
  • We meet with your team (virtually) once a week for the length of the engagement.
  • We guide your team through the online, bite-sized training to help them reach the goal.
  • You see immediate results, in as little as 30 days; your team achieves its goal in 90 days.
  • We can leave your organization with bespoke or off-the-shelf training to drive continuous improvement, if required.

How well does it work?

A major university system with 400,000 employees cut its payroll backlog by 76% in 90 days with our Accelerator program.

Tyler Technologies achieved 300% improvement in productivity in just three months.

Klever Insight helped Ruckus find metrics that would help them be more collaborative and successful.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise selected Klever tools and services to assess their knowledge-centered support programs and help validate that ongoing investment would help HPE achieve beyond best-in-class service.

HP Enterprise wins President’s Quality Award from CEO Meg Whitman, in 2015 and cites Klever partnership for making this happen.

HP Enterprise wins prestigious TSIA Star Award for Best Practices in Knowledge Management in 2016, showing a bottom line savings of $58M.

Immediate results and lasting impact are achievable with very little disruption, or work hours.

What can your organization achieve in just 90 days? Contact us to find out.