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From Knowledge to Knowledge-in-Action

If Phase I of Klever Insight was all about knowledge-sharing, Phase 2 was about putting knowledge in action. Sounds great, but what the heck does that actually mean?

The best run organizations have a strategy everyone understands with ways to connect behaviors to achieve that strategy.

Viewed through the lens of knowledge, this means that they apply knowledge about their customers, employees and how their business really works and take simple, practical steps that everyone can rally around.

As part of Phase 2, we developed a number of knowledge-in-action algorithms — one set of which involved optimizing business processes focused on improving both the customer experience and the employee experience. A superb early example of the power of this particular set of algorithms was with the fine folks at Tyler Technologies. You can read the case study here.

Spoiler alert: You simply don’t get productivity gains (as defined by the customer) of 300% and reduction of projected costs by 350% unless an empowered team of cross-functional employees is deeply involved in defining the issues and owns the changes that need to be made.

The early success of these algorithms encouraged us to build many more. While our customers loved them (and helped us improve them), we kept running into a brick wall with a number of prospects who wanted to proceed but weren’t able to get started.

The reason? They were shackled to a phone-based measurement mindset from the last century — where people were costs to be managed, not assets to be unleashed on behalf of the customer.

We had to overcome this issue, which lead to Phase 3 of Klever Insight, the topic of our next post.

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